Web Alert 应用

Web Alert (Website Monitor)
Web Alert
Web Alert enables you to monitor any websitefor changes (even when a login, a form post or password prompt isnecessary to access the site). Get notified when a pricechanges, a new article is published, you receive exam results or ananswer in a forum, a registration period has opened, etc. Youcan also check if your own website is currently online and workingcorrectly (UI testing and web monitoring).You navigate with its special browser to the webpage and the appwill track your navigation steps so that these can be repeatedlater in the background periodically. On the page you select thetext (or HTML) visually that you want to watch for updates so youreceive only notifications for modifications in these parts. Thealarm report of the checker highlights the differences.Technically speaking, other apps only automate checking repeatedlythe raw content behind a simple URL. This app, however, alsofeatures Web Automation where instructions (macros) are recordedinteractively (e.g. like iMacros). Your actions to reach thewebsite (and your selection of the text whose updates you want tokeep track of) are replayed automatically in intervals specified byyou. This gives you the additional opportunity to overseealterations in Deep Web pages.Features:✔ Notification when a website changes✔ Monitor various websites on the watchlist✔ Simplified way to give instructions for checking✔ Visual difference of all modifications to a website detected(diff)✔ It can act as a web monitor to check the availability andcorrectness✔ Choose exactly which part or parts of a page to watch✔ Save mobile traffic by disabling or reducing checks for mobilenetworks✔ Check pages even behind logins, HTTP Authentications, form postsor long navigational sequences✔ Monitor websites with JavaScript (may not always work)✔ 256-Bit AES-encryption for all sensitive data✔ Notification alarms using sound, vibration and/or the LED✔ Browse the different versions of a website (includes offlinebrowser)✔ Requires only a minimum amount of permissions.This project is being developed as part of a thesis at theUniversity of Hamburg (Germany). Some modern websites with too muchJavaScript do not work properly yet, please have patience :-)
Web Alert Expansion Pack
Web Alert
Expands Web Alert with additional features, including Taskerintegration